You must become a personal success before you are a public success.
One day I received a phone call from a husband and father whose life was falling apart. Desperate, he was on the verge of losing his marriage and family. Neither Infidelity nor moral failure had been an issue but a series of small daily decisions resulted in this state of emergency several years later. Regardless, He needed so many answers and I didn’t know where to start. However, As I prayed about what to say, I remembered 6 things that I had learned over time and begun practicing in my life. Admittedly, the heart behind these things was to have something I could pass to my owns sons that would position them to succeed physically, spiritually, emotionally and in their marriages one day.
1. Pray
You are not alone. People who live for themselves and by themselves have a hard time succeeding. We all need guidance and help. God loves you and wants to help you if you will only ask for help and wisdom everyday, you will begin to live differently. Prayer can affect your level of hope, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness. You can’t be a true success without these.Read your Bible
2. Read you Bible
Read your Bible – Truth in our wold is changing daily. Truth in God’s world doesn’t change. Reading scripture every day literally changes our mind and the way we think. You can find freedom from your past experiences and habits. Filling your mind with scripture in the morning sets your mind up for earthly and eternal success. True success is built on principles that last.
3. Make Your Bed
If you can master making your bed, you can master anything. Making your bed every morning is a habit that will help you become more organized, disciplined and succeed in professionally, relationally and financially and many more areas of life. Lasting success begins with small daily discipline of making your bed.
4. Exercise
When you feel good, you play good. How you feel physically has an impact on many other areas of your life. Exercise releases chemicals in your brain that improve the way you feel and as a result how you perform. Very few people truly succeed that don’t also take care of their bodies. You have to be around for a long time to be a long term success. Attached is an article highlighting the correlation between success and exercise.
5. Go to Church
You will become the 5 people you spend the most time with. Church is one of the only places where you and your children can learn, grow and develop friendships with other families that will impact your life spiritually, emotionally, relationally even financially. If you surround yourself with people who are focused and consistent in their relationship with God, you will become consistent also. Consistency is a key to long term success.
6. Write down your lifetime goals every day
Studies show that the most successful people are clear about what they want to accomplish and how they are going to accomplish it. Writing down your top 10 lifetime goals every day will bring clarity to what you do and why you do it. You will find yourself more things that matter and less things that don’t. Long term success begins with daily clarity. (See my blog on how to create a top ten lifetime goals list.)
You can’t control how she responds or if your marriage will survive, but you can choose who you will become and doing these six things is a vote every morning for the person you are becoming. It didn’t happen over night, but he is thriving in his marriage, business, family and even ministry. They are making a difference in the lives of people who are struggling like they were. You may not be able to control what others do but you can control what you do first thing every morning and who you are becoming. You may not be an overnight success but you can be a long term success. I hope this helps you.
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